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add(E) - Method in class net.sherst.util.BlockingRingBuffer
Adds an element to the buffer.
add(E) - Method in class net.sherst.util.FastRingBuffer
Adds an element to the buffer.
add(E) - Method in class net.sherst.util.SafeRingBuffer
Adds an element to the buffer.
addAll(E[]) - Method in class net.sherst.util.BlockingRingBuffer
Adds elements to the buffer, preserving their ordering in the array.
addAll(E[]) - Method in class net.sherst.util.FastRingBuffer
Adds elements to the buffer, preserving their ordering in the array.
addAll(E[]) - Method in class net.sherst.util.SafeRingBuffer
Adds elements to the buffer, preserving their ordering in the array.
addAll(Collection<E>) - Method in class net.sherst.util.BlockingRingBuffer
Adds elements to the buffer, preserving their ordering in the collection.
addAll(Collection<E>) - Method in class net.sherst.util.FastRingBuffer
Adds elements to the buffer, preserving their ordering in the collection.
addAll(Collection<E>) - Method in class net.sherst.util.SafeRingBuffer
Adds elements to the buffer, preserving their ordering in the collection.
at(char) - Method in class
Returns true if the next char that will be read is c.
at(int, char) - Method in class
Returns true if the nth char that will be read is c, counting from 0 (at(0, 'x') tests the first char that will be read).
at(E) - Method in class net.sherst.util.BlockingRingBuffer
Returns true if the head of the buffer (the next element that will be removed) is equal to o, compared using Objects.equals(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object).
at(E) - Method in class net.sherst.util.FastRingBuffer
Returns true if the head of the buffer (the next element that will be removed) is equal to o, compared using Objects.equals(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object).
at(E) - Method in class net.sherst.util.SafeRingBuffer
Returns true if the head of the buffer (the next element that will be removed) is equal to o, compared using Objects.equals(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object).
at(E[]) - Method in class net.sherst.util.BlockingRingBuffer
Returns true if the elements at the head of the buffer (the next elements that will be removed) are equal to the contents of a, compared using Objects.equals(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object).
at(E[]) - Method in class net.sherst.util.FastRingBuffer
Returns true if the elements at the head of the buffer (the next elements that will be removed) are equal to the contents of a, compared using Objects.equals(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object).
at(E[]) - Method in class net.sherst.util.SafeRingBuffer
Returns true if the elements at the head of the buffer (the next elements that will be removed) are equal to the contents of a, compared using Objects.equals(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object).
at(String) - Method in class
Returns true if the next charss that will be read match the String s.
atComment() - Method in class
Returns true if the next chars that will be read is #.
atEOF() - Method in class
Returns true if all the charss have been read.
atEOL() - Method in class
Returns true if all the next char that will be read is '\n' or '\r' or if atEOF().
atSkip(char) - Method in class
If the next char that will be read is c, returns true and removes c from the input.
atSkip(E) - Method in class net.sherst.util.BlockingRingBuffer
Compares the head of the buffer (the next element that will be removed) to o using Objects.equals(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) and removes it from the buffer if there is a match.
atSkip(E) - Method in class net.sherst.util.FastRingBuffer
Compares the head of the buffer (the next element that will be removed) to o using Objects.equals(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) and removes it from the buffer if there is a match.
atSkip(E) - Method in class net.sherst.util.SafeRingBuffer
Compares the head of the buffer (the next element that will be removed) to o using Objects.equals(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) and removes it from the buffer if there is a match.
atSkip(E[]) - Method in class net.sherst.util.BlockingRingBuffer
Compares the head of the buffer (the next elements that will be removed) to a using Objects.equals(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) and removes them from the buffer if there is a match.
atSkip(E[]) - Method in class net.sherst.util.FastRingBuffer
Compares the head of the buffer (the next elements that will be removed) to a using Objects.equals(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) and removes them from the buffer if there is a match.
atSkip(E[]) - Method in class net.sherst.util.SafeRingBuffer
Compares the head of the buffer (the next elements that will be removed) to a using Objects.equals(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) and removes them from the buffer if there is a match.
atSkip(String) - Method in class
If the next chars that will be read match the String s, returns true and removes the chars from the input.
atSkipComment() - Method in class
If the next characters to be read will be a "comment", returns true and removes the comment from the input.
atSkipWhitespaceChar() - Method in class
If the next char that will be read will be a white space character, returns true and removes the char from the input.
atSkipWord(String) - Method in class
If the "word" that will be read matches w (and no other word).
atWhitespace() - Method in class
Returns true if the next char that will be read will be a white space character.
atWord(String) - Method in class
Returns true if the "word" that will be read matches w (and no other word).


BlockingRingBuffer<E> - Class in net.sherst.util
A modified (blocking) thread-safe ring buffer (circular buffer) implementation for Java.
BlockingRingBuffer(int) - Constructor for class net.sherst.util.BlockingRingBuffer
Creates a new buffer.


capacity - Variable in class net.sherst.util.FastRingBuffer
clear() - Method in class net.sherst.util.BlockingRingBuffer
Empties the buffer.
clear() - Method in class net.sherst.util.FastRingBuffer
Empties the buffer.
clear() - Method in class net.sherst.util.SafeRingBuffer
Empties the buffer.
close() - Method in class
Closes the LookAheadReader and the wrapped java.lang.Reader.
contains(E) - Method in class net.sherst.util.FastRingBuffer
Returns true if the buffer contains e, tested using Objects.equals(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object).
count - Variable in class net.sherst.util.FastRingBuffer


FastRingBuffer<E> - Class in net.sherst.util
A simple fast ring buffer (circular buffer) implementation for Java.
FastRingBuffer(int) - Constructor for class net.sherst.util.FastRingBuffer
Creates a new buffer.


getCapacity() - Method in class net.sherst.util.BlockingRingBuffer
Returns the maximum capacity of this buffer.
getCapacity() - Method in class net.sherst.util.FastRingBuffer
Returns the maximum capacity of this buffer.
getCapacity() - Method in class net.sherst.util.SafeRingBuffer
Returns the maximum capacity of this buffer.


isDecimalDigit(char) - Static method in class
isEmpty() - Method in class net.sherst.util.BlockingRingBuffer
Returns true if the buffer is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class net.sherst.util.FastRingBuffer
Returns true if the buffer is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class net.sherst.util.SafeRingBuffer
Returns true if the buffer is empty.
isIdentifierChar(char) - Static method in class
isIdentifierStart(char) - Static method in class
isWhitespace(char) - Static method in class


LookAheadReader - Class in
Wrapper for any Reader which provides look-ahead methods (at, atSkip, atWordSkip, peek) and some useful utility methods (readChar(), atEOF(), skipWhitespaceAndComments()).
LookAheadReader(Reader) - Constructor for class
Creates a new LookAheadReader which wraps the provided Reader with the default lookahead limit of 128 characters.
LookAheadReader(Reader, int) - Constructor for class
Creates a new LookAheadReader which wraps the provided Reader with specified lookahead limit.


mark(int) - Method in class
Marks the present position in the stream.
markSupported() - Method in class
Returns true if this reader supports the mark(int) operation, which it does, but only up to the maximum capacity of the buffer.

N - package
net.sherst.util - package net.sherst.util


offer(E) - Method in class net.sherst.util.BlockingRingBuffer
Adds an element to the buffer if there is space for it.
offer(E) - Method in class net.sherst.util.FastRingBuffer
Adds an element to the buffer if there is space for it.
offer(E) - Method in class net.sherst.util.SafeRingBuffer
Adds an element to the buffer if there is space for it.
offer(E[]) - Method in class net.sherst.util.BlockingRingBuffer
Adds elements to the buffer if there is space for them.
offer(E[]) - Method in class net.sherst.util.FastRingBuffer
Adds elements to the buffer if there is space for them.
offer(E[]) - Method in class net.sherst.util.SafeRingBuffer
Adds elements to the buffer if there is space for them.
offer(Collection<E>) - Method in class net.sherst.util.BlockingRingBuffer
Adds elements to the buffer if there is space for them.
offer(Collection<E>) - Method in class net.sherst.util.FastRingBuffer
Adds elements to the buffer if there is space for them.
offer(Collection<E>) - Method in class net.sherst.util.SafeRingBuffer
Adds elements to the buffer if there is space for them.


peek() - Method in class
Returns the next char that will be read.
peek() - Method in class net.sherst.util.BlockingRingBuffer
Returns the head of the buffer (the next element that will be removed) without actually removing it.
peek() - Method in class net.sherst.util.FastRingBuffer
Returns the head of the buffer (the next element that will be removed) without actually removing it.
peek() - Method in class net.sherst.util.SafeRingBuffer
Returns the head of the buffer (the next element that will be removed) without actually removing it.
peek(int) - Method in class
Returns the nth char that will be read, counting from 0 (peek(0) returns the first char that will be read).
peek(int) - Method in class net.sherst.util.BlockingRingBuffer
Returns the nth element that will be removed from the buffer, counting from 0 (peek(0) returns the first element that will be removed), or null if the buffer does not contain that many elements.
peek(int) - Method in class net.sherst.util.FastRingBuffer
Returns the nth element that will be removed from the buffer, counting from 0 (peek(0) returns the first element that will be removed), or null if the buffer does not contain that many elements.
peek(int) - Method in class net.sherst.util.SafeRingBuffer
Returns the nth element that will be removed from the buffer, counting from 0 (peek(0) returns the first element that will be removed), or null if the buffer does not contain that many elements.
poll() - Method in class net.sherst.util.BlockingRingBuffer
Removes and returns the element at the head of the buffer, or null if the buffer is empty.
poll() - Method in class net.sherst.util.FastRingBuffer
Removes and returns the element at the head of the buffer, or null if the buffer is empty.
poll() - Method in class net.sherst.util.SafeRingBuffer
Removes and returns the element at the head of the buffer, or null if the buffer is empty.
poll(int, Class<E>) - Method in class net.sherst.util.BlockingRingBuffer
Removes and returns n consecutive elements from the head of the buffer in the order they were added, or null if the buffer does not contain n elements.
poll(int, Class<E>) - Method in class net.sherst.util.FastRingBuffer
Removes and returns n consecutive elements from the head of the buffer in the order they were added, or null if the buffer does not contain n elements.
poll(int, Class<E>) - Method in class net.sherst.util.SafeRingBuffer
Removes and returns n consecutive elements from the head of the buffer in the order they were added, or null if the buffer does not contain n elements.


read() - Method in class
Reads a single character.
read(char[], int, int) - Method in class
Reads characters into a portion of an array.
readChar() - Method in class
Reads a single character.
ready() - Method in class
Returns true if this reader is ready to be read.
remove() - Method in class net.sherst.util.BlockingRingBuffer
Removes and returns the element at the head of the buffer, or null if the buffer is empty.
remove() - Method in class net.sherst.util.FastRingBuffer
Removes and returns the element at the head of the buffer, or null if the buffer is empty.
remove() - Method in class net.sherst.util.SafeRingBuffer
Removes and returns the element at the head of the buffer, or null if the buffer is empty.
remove(int, Class<E>) - Method in class net.sherst.util.BlockingRingBuffer
Removes and returns up to n consecutive elements from the head of the buffer in the order they were added.
remove(int, Class<E>) - Method in class net.sherst.util.FastRingBuffer
Removes and returns up to n consecutive elements from the head of the buffer in the order they were added.
remove(int, Class<E>) - Method in class net.sherst.util.SafeRingBuffer
Removes and returns up to n consecutive elements from the head of the buffer in the order they were added.
removeAll() - Method in class net.sherst.util.BlockingRingBuffer
Empties the buffer.
removeAll() - Method in class net.sherst.util.FastRingBuffer
Empties the buffer.
removeAll() - Method in class net.sherst.util.SafeRingBuffer
Empties the buffer.
reset() - Method in class
Repositions the reader to the mark.


SafeRingBuffer<E> - Class in net.sherst.util
A thread-safe ring buffer (circular buffer) implementation for Java.
SafeRingBuffer(int) - Constructor for class net.sherst.util.SafeRingBuffer
Creates a new buffer.
size() - Method in class net.sherst.util.BlockingRingBuffer
Returns the number of elements in the buffer.
size() - Method in class net.sherst.util.FastRingBuffer
Returns the number of elements in the buffer.
size() - Method in class net.sherst.util.SafeRingBuffer
Returns the number of elements in the buffer.
skip(int) - Method in class net.sherst.util.BlockingRingBuffer
Removes n elements from the head of the buffer (and discards them).
skip(int) - Method in class net.sherst.util.FastRingBuffer
Removes n elements from the head of the buffer (and discards them).
skip(int) - Method in class net.sherst.util.SafeRingBuffer
Removes n elements from the head of the buffer (and discards them).
skip(long) - Method in class
Skips characters.
skipWhitespaceAndComments() - Method in class
Skips white space and comments.


toList() - Method in class net.sherst.util.FastRingBuffer
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